Sparkford Planning Applications
You can find more information on planning and planning applications on the Somerset Council website.
Application No | Details | Address |
24/01758/FUL | Erection of a detached dwelling and garage with an associated garden and driveway off an unaltered existing vehicular access. | |
24/00891/FUL | Construction of new unit (Use class E, B2 and B8) | Land To South West of Unit 1 Goodwood Drive Sparkford |
24/00940/FUL | Erection of a single storey building to be used as welcome/meeting area at entrance to business park. | Land East Of Entrance To Vantage Park Goodwood Drive Sparkford |
22/01598/OUT | Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for the creation of commercial buildings under Use Class B2 and B8 | Land South Of High Street Sparkford |
22/01331/OUT | Outline application with all matters reserved for the redevelopment of the brownfield site, Dairy House Yard, adjacent to the Haynes Motor Museum to create commercial employment space (Use Classes E (a,b,c,d and g), B2 and B8) to support and enhance the activities of the adjoining Haynes Motor Museum. | Land At Dairy House Yard Cary Road Sparkford |
22/00991/COL | Application for a certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of building as a residential dwelling | Sparkford Hall Equestrian Centre Rear Of Sparkford Hall Sparkford Road Sparkford |
22/00259/OUT | Outline planning application for the development of up to 45 residential units, a 60 bed care home, open space, play space, associated infrastructure (including works to the public highway, swales and a surface water pond), access, parking, servicing and landscaping. All matters reserved except for access. | Land Opposite Hazelgrove Lodge High Street Sparkford |
22/00243/OUT | Outline application for demolition of existing structures and development of three Drive Thru units associated parking, servicing, landscaping and infrastructure. All matters reserved except access. | Land Opposite Hazelgrove Lodge High Street Sparkford |
21/01615/REM | Reserved matters application of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline approval 17/04916/OUT for the erection of 4 No. dwellings and construction of vehicular access thereto. | Land Adjacent Fletcher Moss Sparkford Hill Lane Sparkford |
21/01617/REM | Reserved matters application of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline approval 18/03536/OUT for the erection of 2 No. dwellings and construction of vehicular access thereto. | Land Adjacent Fletcher Moss Sparkford Hill Lane Sparkford |
21/00899/FUL | Change of use from office use (Use Class E (B1) to residential (Use Class C3), the formation of a driveway off of existing access, landscaping between the industrial car park and new driveway. Erection of a double garage & formation of new boundary fencing between Home Farm and existing industrial buildings. Internal and external alterations to include fenestration alterations on the south-west elevation and re-introduction of the first floor which is currently a double level vaulted ceiling. | Woodbine Cottage High Street Sparkford |
21/00901/FUL | Change of use from office use (Use Class E (B1) to residential (Use Class C3) with associated demolition of existing outbuilding, first-floor extension and single-storey flat roof extension, and part boundary treatments (walls and fences) to allow for the re-arrangement of external amenity areas and manoeuvrability of vehicles and alterations to existing access | Home Farmhouse High Street Sparkford |
21/00496/AGN | Notification of intent to construct 2 no. ponds | Sparkford Hall Sparkford Road Sparkford |
19/02373/OUT | Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 6 No. dwellings. | Land At Long Hazel Farm High Street Sparkford |
19/01123/FUL | Erection of seven dwellings and conversion of barn to dwelling | Land Rear Of Sparkford Inn High Street Sparkford |
19/01100/LBC | Internal and external alterations to barn to convert to dwelling | Sparkford Inn High Street Sparkford |